Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Time And the Livin' is easy....

But then, someone always invites winter (here in Arizona we don't celebrate fall,) and the party is over. At least this seemed true for me for a long time. I would like to call this post:

Summer Time Mom vs. Winter Time Mom

I feel like a much easier going mom in the summers. In Arizona it gets to be about 115 degrees, which means lots and lots of time at the swimming pool. Lucky for me, both of my sun-bathed beauties love the water, and love to swim. They love to have picnics under the trees, and eat popsicles (Henry likes all of them, and Lincoln likes red and purple.) It is easier to get my children to go to sleep and to actually rest because of the pure exhaustion. The increase of drinking water happens, and the kids enjoy the fruits of summer. Plainly put, for me it seems easier to be a happier mom in the summer.

My first three winters as a mom were in states where we were up to our ears in snow. While this is a slight exaggeration, it felt like the story your grandpas tell; when I was young I walked to school through the snow, up hill both ways. That's what my first few winters of motherhood seemed to bring. i was discouraged from the lack of sunshine. I was stir crazy because I couldn't leave my house. I counted down the minutes until nap time and bedtime, knowing that there would probably be some ups and downs through the night.

So, here's what I did.

1) I invested in play-doh.
This is one thing I love to play with my kids. I love to sit and create at the table. And, I don't care if they mix all the colors and get it on the floor.

2) I invested in paint
My boys love to paint. Off go the shirts, and they are free to paint on paper or their tummies. Bath time was way more fun when you had paint to wash off.
I also invested in paint to paint my house. MY husband was gone 15 hours a day and I needed a hobby.

3) I found a children's museum and became a member, so we could go spend a few hours there once in a while and have a break.

4) I taught Lincoln the ABC's.

5) I made aprons and started letting the boys help me cook! They enjoyed pouring the flour and sugar in, and once again, if it gets on the floor- that's what brooms are for!

6) We got library cards- they are free and we enjoy checking out books, building forts, eating popcorn and watching a movie!

What does all this mean?

For some, being a happy mom is not dependent on the time of the year, (or the time of the month.) For me, the winters were a struggle, so I had to prepare myself ahead of time for how to deal with the lack of sunshine, and lack of outside fun.

Think about your life. Break it down. Is there a time of year that's harder? Is there a time a month? Is there a time each day (for me it's early morning until about 9:30). Find some things you can do, or things you can teach your children to do independently so that things still run smoothly.

Tuesdays in Tucson
About to go Swimming,


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