Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sugar, Sugar...

Is it wrong to bribe your kids with treats?

Is it okay to let your baby drink a few sips from your can of Dr. Pepper?

When and how do you introduce juice to your kids?

High Fructose Corn Syrup or regular Sugar?

If your kid falls and gets hurt and immediately asks for a piece of candy, is that a bad thing?

How many popsicles in 1 day when it's 115 degrees outside is too many?

Should I be limiting myself to only a few of the previous items or are doing all of them bad?

1 comment:

  1. I say everything in moderation.. of course it's ok to do all those things, but I think teaching them moderation is huge early in life! They're going to learn habits quickly & I want them to develop good habits early in life so it's not so tough when they get older.
