Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All the Single Ladies...

I LOVE to listen to music in the car. I like to sing the words out loud and do my little car dances that Sara tries to copy. But I must say, the music I listen to isn't always the most appropriate. Eminem, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas... I listen to a hip hop station based here in Phoenix. Sara is starting to talk now, and I've been wondering:

When should I start censoring what I watch/listen to?

Maybe it seems silly to some of you who would say, "Well if it's not okay for your kids to watch it, what makes it okay for you?" But really, I'll just be honest and say I probably watch a few shows I wouldn't want my kids to watch and I probably listen to music that I don't want my kids to understand what the lyrics mean. So realistically speaking, because I know I'm not the only one, when should the censorship begin?


  1. probably much earlier than you think. Ethan went through a phase of saying "omg" when he was about 2. we don't say that in our house, so you can only imagine where he got it, shows & music that I let him listen to. I was mortified! I DVR many of my shows & watch them when the kids go to bed & now we listen to Munchkin most of the time in the car... nice clean kids music :)

  2. I agree, it needs to be now. Aden learned the S word from watching Independence Day, and he was only about 2 at the time. Everything from the time they are born is geared toward language development. They may have no idea what some of the messages they are hearing mean, but they absorb everything. And they remember it all too.

  3. I play music and dvds for the kids for the main reason that they soak in everything. For example the "Meet the numbers" dvd is designed to each babies from 9 mths to 6 yrs and had proven to work in 10 days. My kids memorize words to songs faster than I ever could. So while they are awake I only have kid friendly stuff and learning media. For myself I try to keep it pretty PG most of the time as well since I really don't want trash in my head either. Things like Runaway Bride ya know.My 5 month old hangs out with me most of the time and I don't think he is picking up anything, but I wouldn't let my 2 yr old stick around since she mimics everything.

  4. I too love to listen to fun music and watch what we call Mommy and Daddy shows. Just like we read books to ourselves that we would never read to our kids, we watch shows that aren't kid friendly. My rule is if kids are around the TV is usually off, but if it's on we watch Nick Jr. or Disney only in the morning. As far as music I make my own CD's to play in the car that is fun music for all of us. One of our favorites is Waka Waka by Shakira. It's clean and so fun to dance to.
