Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Loving Baby Number 2

I have a friend who is due with her second baby boy in just a few weeks. At dinner the other night she said she had been struggling. When we started talking she shared that she wasn't sure how she would ever love another baby as much as she loved her first, and what was going to happen with her relationship with her first born son.

I gave her my advice which I will post-edit about next week, but I'm curious?


And yes, she will be breastfeeding, if that makes a difference.

Tuesdays in Tucson,


  1. i dont know how there could be any advice really. yes every mom wonders when they are pregnant with their second how they could love it as much but once it comes and you are with it every day it just happens i think whether you like it or not. it's a funny thing and its so easy to do.

  2. Also concerned about this one...

  3. I think when it us we think we are the only one that thinks that. I thought the same thing 4 babies ago. How could I possibly love another child as much as I love this one? You just will. It came that easy. We don't have some jar that gets filled of love and can't hold any more. I have the same aching, do anything for them love for each one. I love them for each for their own individual differences, but not one kid is loved more than the other. There is something special about my first little girl, because we have that special connection. But as each one somes along I find some connection that is unique for each one. When my 2nd was born, as with all new siblings, I make that time for the other child. I breastfed every child for a year. There never was a problem, and my kids have always adored their new siblings. I spent that quality time nursing my newborn and while the baby slept as newborns do I made sure I spent 100% of my time with my 2 yr old. It takes more effort to have that 1 on 1 time when there is more kids to love, but it is possible.

  4. I guess I've never thought about not being able to love the second baby as much as the first or having enough love to love them both equally. But I have thought about whether or not I will ever have 'Me' time again. That just goes to show how selfish I can be. ;)
