Saturday, October 9, 2010

Must Have's

I was visiting with a friend today who is about 20 weeks pregnant. She told me that her list of things to get for the baby is enormous and I got to thinking... what do you actually NEED? I'm sure it's different for everyone depending on some decisions like nursing/bottle feeding, how much travel you plan to do, how much space you have, and what your budget is.

When we had Sara, we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment on a student budget. So even though there were lots of things we wanted, we had to stick to what we needed most. I've compiled a list of the things I couldn't live without. Keep in mind, this list does not include the most basic elements like crib, car seat, stroller, blankets, diapers... you get the idea.

1) Baby Bjorn
2) Pack n' Play with bassinet and changing table (Sara slept in it for 6 months)
3) Bumbo Seat
4) Infant Swing
5) Washcloths
6) Diaper changing pouch (so you don't have to drag your whole diaper bag every time)
7) Aveeno baby lotion
8) Exersaucer (starting at about 6 months)
9) Little soothing blanket for them to hold
10) Boppy pillow

I'm sure there are more, but that is what I can think of right now. Please share your must have's with us or maybe even some little extras that just helped make things easier sometimes.


  1. fisher price aquarium bouncy girls would stay in that forever(sydney more than london). baby einstein movies!! that purple nipple cream when your nursing. Lansonil i think its called or something like that. oh i don't know..i have so much stuff coming out of my ears that is was all sooo great. So glad i am having babies in this era and not 60 plus years ago.

  2. I agree with everything except he Aveeno baby lotion. Unfortunately they test on animals and use fragrance that can irritate baby's skin. I recommend Burts Bees or homemade remedies :)
