Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Does What?

Every family does things a little differently and I'm always curious how things work in other people's relationships and families. For example, Cameron takes out the trash (after I lovingly remind him for a couple of days), picks up Sara's toys (sometimes), puts away his own laundry, and will empty the dishwasher or wash the dishes if I'm running behind or overwhelmed. Is that normal? Do other husbands do more/less? Cameron does as much as I need him to do, at the moment. Sure, I wish he would put his dishes in the dishwasher more often or not leave his cereal bowl by the couch, or clean up his pile of mail on the counter. But for the most part, he is pretty good to help around the house.

I do the cooking, all the cleaning, the majority of picking up, and the shopping. Cameron works full time and I am a stay at home mom. For couples who both work full time, how is the housework divided? How do you parent as a team? For other couples where the husband works and the mom stays at home, who does what? For couples where the mother works full time and the day stays at home, how do you do things?


  1. With 4 young kids I was severely overloaded with 2 things: dishes & laundry. I asked Jeff if he wouldn't mind helping out with one of these chores. He chose the dishes; he loads & unloads the dishwasher. I do what I can to lighten his load & load what I use during the day. Everything else I do; but I split my chores up & do certain things on certain days so I'm not completely overwhelmed EVERYDAY. When he comes home from work he helps out with the kids & whatever else I may need. And we both do the yard work.

  2. i pretty much do all the cleaning..usually whenever I am pregnant and its towards the end I RARELY do the dishes cause i just dont feel like it. After 2 days dillon will do them(its nice) He is in charge of fixing everything and is VERY good at it so that is our trade off and he organizes outside(garage and all that kind of guy stuff that I hate) so I feel its an even trade. We each get a kid for bed time so its fair and he usually holds london and gets her into and out of the car when we are all together. I like that too. I am getting bigger and my back hurts and london is a brute! Good luck. Maybe talk and divide the chores if your hubby is willing if you dont like to clean.

  3. It's a 50/50 mix in our home. Because we both work, it just simply is not realistic for one spouse to take the full load of home and child responsibilities. I have the baby throughout the day while I work (attend to her needs is more like it, but work does get accomplished). If I have an extra minute to throw something together for dinner or clean, I do. But typically, when Micah comes home, he will take the baby, cook dinner, wash the dishes, and do the baby formula for the night. Then I have the baby throughout the night. On weekends, Micah is on baby duty (day and night) and I take care of all the household responsibilities, including dinner, shopping, etc. It works for us and keeps things relatively stress-free and easy our home.
