Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

Of course, it's been in the 80's for a few days now here in AZ which is like summer in other states, but it's Spring here! I have to say, this is my favorite time of year. Being able to be outside 10 months out of the year really makes AZ a great place to live. It's just those 2 darn months called "Ridiculously Hot" and "You've Gotta Be Kidding Me Hot" that are annoying.

So Spring Break is just around the corner and I got to thinking... for those of you moms who have kids in school and then all the sudden - WHAMO, they're home for a whole week. What do you do to keep yourself sane and your kids busy? I'd imagine you get in to your own little routine during the day and get used to going to the grocery store with a few less kids in tow. So how do you manage?

I have decided that when I have another baby, I'm going to enlist the assistance of a part-time nanny. I'm just not willing to give up my 'me time' and all the incredibly great TV shows that I get to watch during Sara's nap time. You may think I sound a little bit selfish and that's okay. I am. But I have turned over a new leaf in light of the season of Spring. I am going to do my best to be a good mom while maintaining a sense of reality and that is, some of us are just not cut out for a life like the Duggars. And I am totally okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. I think to be a good mom we all have to give up some our our selfish desires. It doesn't matter if we have 1 kid or 7 kids. I want my kids to learn & grow in the gospel & in the things of the world; that means that I have to give of my time & my talents & share with them what I know. I still allow myself "quiet time", even though all my kids don't take naps. They watch a show, read books, or whatever. I still get to do something for me everyday, but I don't feel selfish by taking time for me, because the rest of the day I devote myself to them; helping them, giving them responsibilities, learning & growing from each other.
