Thursday, March 31, 2011


A friend of mine shared this story with me, I thought it was so cute!

My little four year old Jacob is a superhero fanatic. So when he got a Superman toy with his Happy Meal, he was over- the- moon excited! He spent the entire day playing with Superman, and every conversation was centered on some form of hero worship.

So when we sat down for dinner, it was no great surprise to me that Superman was joining us. When Jacob was asked to say the blessing on the food, he DID surprise me by declining, since that's one of his favorite things to do. He decided that he wanted Superman to say the prayer. I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, until it came to me that even superheroes need to pray and that I had no business telling my little one otherwise.

So Jacob helped Superman fold his arms and repeated the prayer after me in his best Superman voice. It was a small moment, but one I'll treasure.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE for this story. Our prayers from the two year old usually go "Dear Heavenly Father, in the name...Amen, poop" Yep, sweet little stinker!
    but, at least he is praying!
