Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nightmares and Night Terrors

Sara had her first nightmare last night. She woke up screaming. I ran in to see what was the matter and she said, "The monkeys scare me." We went to the zoo earlier that day, so I guess her dream was related to that. It was easy to console her, but she had a really hard time falling back asleep. I didn't want to just leave her in her bed to cry after having a nightmare, but I also couldn't hold her back to sleep. She finally calmed down enough for me to put her back in bed about a half hour later.

I was reading online about what a nightmare is and what causes them. The article also talks about night terrors. I have a few friends whose kids get night terrors. They sound really scary and awful. My sister-in-law's little girl has night terrors triggered by a full bladder and while discussing it with another friend, her daughter is the same way.

This is the article I found about nightmares and night terrors. It was really interesting and helpful to read. Anyone else have experience with either of these and how to deal?

1 comment:

  1. Henry just started having night terrors! It was awful at first when i didn't know what it was. Now, it's a little better knowing that they don't remember it!
