Friday, July 2, 2010

I Need Red Bull

I've never actually had a whole Red Bull, but I've tasted it and it tastes like liquid smarties. Yuk! But I could use something... I am currently visiting my parents home out of state. They don't live in the home, but it is so fun to visit and see other family and get away from the hot hot sun in Arizona for a few days. Sara always has a difficult time adjusting when we go to a new place or not necessarily new, but anything that isn't what she's used to. I know some babies/kids are more tolerant of change, but I have no idea how to create a child who to adapts better to new environments.

Sara decided she needed to wake up last night at about 12:45am screaming. I let her cry for about 20 minutes before I tried to console her. If we were at home, I would have let her continue to cry unless I detected something was wrong. I felt badly that she was disturbing the other people staying here, so I tended to her more quickly. I comforted her and put her back in bed. She was quiet for a few minutes and then the crying began again. This back and forth again continued until 4:45am. Yes, that's right... 4 hours. I had finally reached a point of complete exhaustion, I just couldn't do anything to make whatever was going on better, so left her alone. I went upstairs, closed the door, and turned on the bathroom fan to drowned out the noise. I last heard her at 5:30am.

She took a usual nap today and then fell asleep swinging at the neighbors house at 5:30pm. I let her sleep for about 20 minutes until dinner and then tried to put her to bed at about 7:30. She put up a HUGE fight, bigger than ever. At home, she goes right to bed and sleeps all night. I finally got her to relax enough to lie down in her temporary bed. She cried for about 5 minutes and then went to sleep.

So tell me.... how do you help your babies become more adaptable to new environments and circumstances?


  1. that is a hard was like that..never really liked a pack n parents always gave me a hard time cause I never liked change and didnt like to go out of my comfort zone cause i knew sydney would be a challenge but london has adapted sooo much better. I have been TONS more flexible with her so maybe that is why but i think its more the personality really. How many nights are you staying there? I am sure she will get more comfortable. i usually just bring all of her stuff that she is used to sleeping with at home. You just have to let her cry, other wise if you keep coming in she will know she just needs to cry and u will come in. get EAR PLUGS!! Good luck

  2. For this very problem, we bought a rain machine from Bed, Bath,and Beyond, and it worked for us. Mostly, play a lot in the day, and lay with her at night while she falls asleep. You can easily go back to routine when you get home. Change is hard!
