Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who Needs Red Bull

I have this weird sort of innate inability to sleep when my children are going to be sick. To further explain, last night went a little like this...
Me and hubby comfortably snuggled into bed.
He - nearly asleep just moments after lying his head on the pillow.
Me - suddenly wide-eyed, bushy-tailed.
Eyes, so awake, eagerly, desperately searched for a way out of my head.
An energy level even a four-pack of Monsters could not achieve.
I was aghast after only having 4 hours of sleep the night before and began wrestling my pillow and the blankets in a worthless attempt to find solace and, I must admit, awaken my husband (why should I be the only one awake?) When he finally came into consciousness after all my stirring around, he boldly asked "which one of the kids is going to be sick tonight?" He knows, as do I, that when I go to bed and can not sleep, one of the kids will be waking in the night with a fever or vomiting or both. We can predict this with 99.9% accuracy.
K awoke at 1:30am with a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and a fever.
We were not surprised.
I was fully awake and prepared.
I consider this anomaly a gift. What mother wouldn't? During this superhuman state of maternal awareness, my energy level is mind commitment to sooth my ailing child patience divinely bestowed. Which leads to the question of the day...
How do you comfort your child when (s)he is sick?
Each one of my children is different. One likes to be left alone, sleeping the illness away. Coincidentally, he is rarely sick and, when he is, can sleep it off and be back to normal in 12 hours or less - no matter the condition. 24 hour bugs typically last 2.4 hours, sometimes only 24 minutes. Another wants to be held and cuddled constantly. Life around me is literally frozen as I care for her; reading books, coloring pictures, singing lullabies. The last of the three is a fair mix of the first two, each illness being different. Last night she wanted to be held and her back rubbed...for 3 hours. But for all three, I realize nothing is more important than giving them my patience and love.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading this post at approximately 3am when I should be sleeping soundly in my bed, but I am not. My child has decided to scream for the last 2 hours. Trust me, I have gotten up several times to comfort her and each time she goes back in to bed peacefully, only to awake a few moments later with more screaming. Honestly? I don't know what this day will hold, but it's not starting out well. :) Hope you got some sleep tonight!
