Monday, June 21, 2010


Have you guys ever seen the movie Pollyanna? It's one of my all-time favorites. I love it when Pollyanna says that if her family was rich, they would eat "steak and ice cream for every meal." Last night, C grilled up some nice top sirloin steaks. We had some pasta and corn on the cob. It was delicious! Sara absolutely loves corn on the cob. She isn't really much of a meat eater though. I've tried giving her different types of meat here and there, but she's never really interested in it. I gave her a few bites of my steak last night and she said, "Mmmm! Mummy mummy mummy!" Which translates to Yummy in my Tummy. Finally, a meat the girl will eat. Of course, she has expensive taste. Top Sirloin is not cheap unless you price match it at Wal-Mart because it's on sale for $1.99 this week. I just bought 3 pounds this morning for $6. Not too shabby! Anyway, so it reminded me of the move Pollyanna, especially because she followed up her steak dinner with an ice cream cone.

Speaking of Pollyanna, I've been trying to get Sara to sit still and watch a TV show or even baby Einstein's since she was born. At this point, she still has no interest in it. She'll watch the very beginning and very end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves to do the hot dog dance! I would really appreciate her sitting and watching a 30 minute show, so I can finish mopping the kitchen or take a shower without worrying about the bathroom falling apart. But I certainly don't want to overdue it. I've heard recently about the association between ADD and kids watching a lot of television. What do you moms think?

When is a good time to allow your kids to watch TV? How much is too much at this age? Is there a way to 'train' them to watch it?

Personally, I LOVE watching TV. It's totally mindless and a good way for me to relax. I could definitely do more to limit the amount of TV that I watch, but I do not watch TV while Sara is awake (most of the time). There is nothing productive about what I watch unless it's something on HGTV. Have you guys been watching the new Design Star? Love it!


  1. I think the longer you can wait for tv the better. They have their whole lives to become tv addicts :) Here is a blog of a friend of ours who has a new baby and she talks about it. They are extremists...but had some good points and a few good articles to read.

  2. I am not against the tv, but it has its time and place. Growing up my family were movie buffs, in fact they still are, but we were limited to like 30 min of tv a day.
    Since being married I have kinda fallen out of the tv for entertainment. Especially more so lately. The only shows we watched this year were house and the office. I was surprised I didn't even see AI once this season, it used to be my favorite. And the funny thing is I didn't miss it, well maybe occasionally when other people would talk about it but I couldn't join in on the conversation. But it was nice and I spent my time doing fun projects instead. We've never gone to the movies much just cause it is sooo expensive, so we never see a new movie till it comes to red box. I think a part of what has made this change in me is there have been times when I have called home to talk with family/ my mom but they have been to busy watching some show to talk with me, so sad, seriously what's more important? Your daughter who lives 12 hrs away or a show you could watch whenever. But that is my issure. ;)
    As far as with my kids, I've tried here and there with Asher with a baby Einstein and he doesn't seem to interested. Brielle is just barely getting into watching a full length feature and she will be 4 next month. Qiana still only has the attention span of about 20 min maybe. I'll let them watch like one 30 min show a day or a full length disney. But my girls don't even think to watch it some days. They go thru phases, sometimes wanting to watch everyday and other times they will go for a few days to a week without even thinking about it. We also don't have cable, so when they do watch something it is a disney movie we have or we have some dvds with episodes of curious george or backyardigans (Love them!). I do wish we coulda got better reception for things like sesame street, but maybe at our new house. I must say tho they have been getting more tv time while we've been packing.

  3. I love that pollyanna movie too. All kids are different. Sydney was watching baby Einstein since she was 1 month old and was OBSESSED and would watch the whole show. I limited her to one and a half shows when she was a baby. London has never been too interested in tv and just in the last 6 months she actually watches half of a show with out getting up. She loves Blue's Clues. I DO NOT think watching TV makes a kid develop ADHD cause TV would more than likely make the kid calmer since they have been sitting there. If you meant ADD, that cannot be caused by TV cause that is something you could be born with. Dillon has that and sometimes I think London does as well but she is too young for the dr to say yes for sure.
    American Pediatrics says no tv under the age of 2 but that is dumb cause the einstein movies are great for babies. I would say at sara's age maybe no more than an hour a day and maybe split it up. I think like for sydney's age(4) they say no more than 2 hrs a day. I know some people say tv makes their kids cranky. I never understand that one and why it would make them cranky. I do not have that problem. As long as they are good cartoons/movies that do not promote violence or bad things then its ok, especially like times when you need to get ready or make dinner!!

  4. so i just went online and some studies show it can cause ADHD and ADD but I do not think its set in stone. I think it was just saying it could depending on what you watch and how much. Anyhoo if your really worried about it then just look online and read up and maybe it will help you decide better. If you think sara is already a hyper little girl then maybe limit it!
