Sunday, June 20, 2010


2 days, 9 hours, and 50 seconds...the length of my first labor. Just kidding! Actually, it's 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 50 time for my first half marathon that I ran last weekend.

Last December, I set a goal for myself to run a full marathon this fall. My youngest will turn 1 a few weeks before I race. I thought running would be a great way to get back into shape after my 3rd baby. It has actually turned out to be much more. Running has become my "me time".

My husband cut out a comic for me on Mother's Day that had a child asking a father how to spell mothers. His reply was something to the effect of "others with an M". This is so true. Mothers often put the needs of the "others" in their lives first. I believe this characteristic is what makes us unique and special as mothers.

As a mother, I have learned that I am at my best when I don't forget to do something special for myself. Depending on the changing needs of the "others" in my life, I find time to do something for me sometimes daily, once a week, or even only once a month. I have to be flexible but never forgetful. Mothers, we do a lot for others; please never forget to do something for yourself.

What do you do for yourself that helps you be a better mother?

Right now, I run. I look forward to a long, challenging run. I feel good when I'm finished, and I am a better mommy. I have more patience, and I feel more prepared for the challenging times. About a month ago, my oldest stepped on my right foot and injured one of my toes. It turned purple and got really swollen. I didn't run for 10 days while it healed, and I noticed a huge difference in my mood and my interactions with my children. I was not at my best when I wasn't able to take time for me doing what I'm interested in right now - running.

I have to be creative to find time to run. I have a treadmill in my garage that has been my lifesaver. I run early in the morning, late at night, and anytime in between. Some days I put on a cute hat to cover up my bed head hair until I can squeeze in my run during nap time. I look forward to the weekends when my husband is around and I can run outside.

I hope you all have something special that you do just for you. It's important to set personal goals and watch yourself improve. Remember that life situations and interests change all of the time. Find something for yourself that makes you feel good. Maybe right now, you are interested in mastering a new recipe, creating a new scrapbook layout, designing unique hair bows, posting on a blog, making a new friend, reading an interesting book, or simply taking a nap while baby is sleeping. The important thing is that we are all doing something that is just for mother.


  1. She beat me by .02 seconds! Great job, babe!

    And she's right. She's a lot more fun to be around when she's taken a little time for herself. Moms/wives take note: a little "me" time makes for better "we" time.

  2. I like to work on my digital scrapbooking or read a book. Both of these help me relax and remember what I love to do.
