Saturday, June 19, 2010

Potty Talk

I'm back from Girls Camp! After 4 days of hiking, sharing a cabin with 9 teenage girls, taking only 1 shower, and having only 2 Dr. Peppers, I survived! I missed my Sara terribly, but she did great! At this point, I can barely keep my eyes open, but didn't want to neglect all of you. So please, don't hold me too terribly responsible if this post is a little scatter brained. There is a subject that Annika touched on, but I want to explore it further. I will be finding myself in this situation soon and I want to hear what works/worked for you.

Potty Training: How and When?

I have a friend who tried the 'lock you and your kid in the bathroom for 3 days and she'll come out potty trained method', but it ended up taking twice as long as it's supposed to. I've heard of waiting until they express an interest, which Sara is already doing. But she seems too young to be potty training. She sits on a potty in the bathroom when I'm in there. She also likes to hand me the toilet paper and flush for me. If I ask her if she needs to go potty, she always says yes. I take her in, take off her diaper, sit her on the toilet and she just sits there. If I don't ask her, she only tells me before she's going #2, but won't sit on the potty for that one. I know it's on her mind and it's been on mine too. I'm just not sure where or when to begin. Suggestions... PLEASE!


  1. I am SO glad you brought up this topic. It has been on my mind a lot. I hate to say it, but mainly because money is so tight and I would love to cut out the cost of diapers from our budget. I know Saylor is ready. She likes to sit on the potty and if actually has to pee she will. She won't tell me when she needs to go #2 and she never goes at the same time each day.

    I want her to get used to going by herself and be able to pull her own pants down. I don't know if it's too soon to invest in panties or pull-ups. I guess I don't have much advice but I certainly share the same questions and concerns.

  2. Girl..they say when they show interest is the time to start. No time is TOO early. I know many people that potty trained by 18 months. So wish that could happen for us all. London is showing NO interest which I am surprised cause she watches Sydney go all day. The same month Sydney turned 2 is when she started to show interest. I got one of those potty seats that goes on the toilet(dora) and bought her ariel unders. At first I just put them over her diaper and she was happy. Once she was able to go a couple of times on the potty then I started letting her wear unders in the house. I would STRONGLY suggest buying the gerber underwear at first cause they are thicker and the pee does not soak through as much. Then let them wear the character ones for an incentive. Lot's of people do the fill up your kid with juice trick and stick them on the toilet every 15 min. I tried that once and just found it took up my whole day and how in the heck are you going to know when they have to pee unless they know themselves which takes time for them to figure out. Anyhoo I did the little m&m's. She got 1 for pee and 2 for poop. Yes there were LOT'S of accidents and it took time but it is so worth it. I think by a month sydney was very good at holding it. I did not attempt going out in unders for a while till she got better and then would start in pull ups when we went out. I always brought at least 2 changes of clothes in case. I have no good secrets.I was lucky and sydney just did well with it. By 2 1/2 we put her in underwear at night and she had 2 accidents that first month and that was it. Good luck. Sorry i type so much. Let me know how it goes. I want london potty trained before I have my next baby!! So much easier to only have to buy one size diapers!!

  3. I enjoyed Teri crane's book, "Potty training in one day," and it only took us a little longer to be successful. Good luck~ I didn't potty train Lincoln until he was almost 3, but Henry seems ready at just over 2!

  4. Yuck potty training! Belle did pretty good actually. I started her at 2. She would get little smarties or treats for going. At first I would just let her run around in pants, and no underwear. The idea being when she had a accident it would run down her legs and so she would go to the potty. That worked pretty good and then I moved her to panties. She still would have accidents but after about a month she was pretty good to go. We did do pullups for a little bit when we would go places but not for long because she was so good. And her diaper was always dry in the morning so we went to panties all night quickly too, and only had an accident when she was sick.
    Qiana is another story. Around 22 months she started pulling her diaper off, occasionally, nights included, so I decided she was ready. She had gone on the potty a couple prior. She definitely had accidents more often, The wet panties just didn't bother her. Finally after a couple of months things started looking a little better, but she still wasn't ready at night. About a month later I thought we were all done and she was potty trained, and was fine at night as well, and then a few weeks later she started getting her panties damp multiple times a day, and we are still struggling with that now. I think she just doesn't care and is too busy playing so she keeps holding it and it dribbles sometimes. ugg, yeah, i don't like potty training.
