Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Right Regrets

I am always blown away when people say they have no regrets.
No regrets?
None at all?
That's pretty amazing because since I became a mother I easily have millions of regrets, billions, trillion and quadzillions of regrets. Regrets coming out my ears, my toes, AND my nose. Things I didn't do because I was too chicken. Or too impatient. Or too "cool." The way I treated people when I was younger and stupid(er). The way I sometimes treat people when I am in a hurry. Or frustrated. Or rushed. Taking people and things for granted. Mean and inconsiderate things I have said and done that I can't take back. Not having patience. Forgetting my children are simply children. Forgetting I am their mother, their only mother. Forgetting what really matters. I'm sure you get the picture, SO...
How does anyone really have NO regrets?
Seeking an answer to that question, I was intrigued by a quote by Arthur Miller. His solution:
"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up
with the right regrets."
The right regrets? What does that mean? Things that you wish hadn't happened or maybe would have done differently in retrospect, but that spur you on to be better in some way? Is that it? I think so. That is what life - especially motherhood - is about. Making mistakes. All of us do. The important part is learning from them. So if those are the right regrets - the ones we can learn from and move on, what about the rest of the regrets? Well, those are simply the ones we just have to let go.


  1. I have never heard that quote, but I love it. Thanks for sharing a piece of who you are each time you write.

  2. Regrets are inevitable. The trick is to avoid the big ones and minimize the others. Regret, a natural result of failure, is essential to learning and a powerful motivator so long as you don't let it turn into it's evil twin: discouragement.

  3. I love that quote, too. I think you're right! Minimizing regret is really all we can do and learn to live with the rest of it.

  4. Such a neat quote. I would do good to try and think of it often!
