Friday, July 9, 2010

Mothers of Multiples

This past weekend, I traveled to Utah with my cousin who has the most amazing triplet girls. They are 7, almost 8 and we had a blast. I love being able to talk to a 7 year old and I was blown away at the questions they come up with like, "Do they get jelly from a jellyfish?" and "Does bubble-bath make you act crazy?"

I used to think it would be really fun to have twins until I had just 1 and she was all I could handle. I wonder how moms of multiples do it. I guess if it's all you know, you make it work. But what are some things you moms of multiples know that you can teach us that just have 1?

One of my biggest challenges is helping Sara to be independent, but also feel like I'm present in her life. I want her to be able to play on her own, think for herself, and feel comfortable expressing her opinions, but I also want her to know she can talk to me and follow me around sometimes and still hold my finger while we walk. You moms of multiples are experts at multi-tasking and because you were always bouncing from one baby to another, to another, to another... your babies may have developed more patience and independence. So please... enlighten us all.

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