Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Time!

I've been trying to think of really creative things to do with Sara now that is it literally over 110 degrees every day. Going to the pool is always fun, but after an hour or so, I just can't take it anymore. I have looked online to find some good indoor activities to do with babies or young toddlers and here is a list I have come up with:

Bowling - Yes, it's true. I took Sara this morning. It was $2 and they didn't have shoes small enough to fit her. She loved pushing the ball down the ramp and the bumpers always help!
Library - Look at your local library web-site. Some have summer reading programs and they can earn prized for the number of books they read.
Mall - Most malls have some kind of kids club. Check your local mall's web-site for details. They are fun and totally free. Some even offer discounts at stores within the mall.
Gyms - Places like Little Gym and Gymboree Classes offer 1 free complimentary class. Check the web-site or call your local chapter for schedule.
Toy Store - Sometimes it's nice to let your toddler browse the aisles of Toys 'R Us and play with random new toys. Just remember, "You break it, you buy it."
Target - Who doesn't love a good walk through Target? I sit Sara in the back of the shopping cart, get her a popcorn and me a soda for $1.50 and browse. This can be dangerous for compulsive shoppers, like me.
Barnes 'N Noble - Books, books, and more books for them to read. Some stores have monthly story times and our local store has a train table that Sara loves it!

At Home Ideas:
Play Doh - home-made recipe online
Finger paints
Baking - Sara loves to hold the mixer.
Dance to music videos on YouTube
Container sorting - Put several containers and their lids on the floor. watch as they try to sort and put together all the different containers.
Cardboard Boxes - Save those moving boxes and build a tunnel or fort
Balloons - Blow up balloons and bounce them around the house. Give her a straw and teach her to blow them around.
Edible Necklaces - Fruit Loops or Cheerios work great!
Play Dates - Talk to other moms who are in the same boat. Trade houses once a week for play dates. It's always more fun to play with someone else's toys.

What are some things you do to keep yourself and your toddler busy in the sweltering summer months?


  1. our hospital has classes too. various things like art, movement, etc. call your local hospital and ask if they sponsor anything like that.

  2. Mesa used to have a great Parks and Rec department, with all kinds of swimming lessons and classes for kids from toddler age up to teenagers. I would check that out, hopefully all the funding for it has not been cut! Also the book stores have story time for young kids, and there are splash parks in Tempe and Mesa I believe. ASU is also a great place to visit, the science building A wing has an incredible live reptile display, they have a planetarium there too, and the Mesa Southwest Museum were all great places my kids loved to visit.
