Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So sorry for not posting... oh my gosh I have totally fallen behind. But I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was traveling this weekend for a family reunion and the internet did not work where I was staying. I know it's not a great excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.

Something I have been thinking about is the physical changes our body goes through while we are pregnant and getting back to the body we had before the baby. I know everyone's bodies are different and respond to pregnancy differently, but I think it's safe to assume that we'd all like to go back to looking like ourselves again after it's over with. With that being said...

Will I ever get my body back?

Well, that all depends on 2 things. You and your body. I felt like I looked 6 months pregnant when I left the hospital to bring Sara home, but I know moms who looked like they were never pregnant 2 days later. That has to do with your body and there's not much you can do about that. It took me a good 6 months to feel like my body got back to somewhat of the shape it was before the baby, but even now... it's still not the same and I don't think it will ever be. I know there are moms out there who have made it happen. What works for you?

I personally am not a big fan of exercise, but I've been doing a little more of it lately and it's been fun. I don't necessarily think I'm using it as a tool to change my body, but it's a great way to be active and relieve some stress. There are some people who can't live without exercising. Is that the key? I've also heard nursing is a great way to lose the baby weight, but what about for moms who do not nurse or don't get the result they expected from nursing? Is there hope?


  1. There are somethings that could happen during pregnancy that you can never change. After I had my 2nd baby, my hip structure was permanently wider. No amount of exercise would change that. Also, with regards to nursing, it is proven that nursing stimulates the uterus to contract back down to its original size, but not all women lose weight from nursing. Really, if you want to lose pregnancy weight and really tone up, you have to exercise and you have to change the way you eat. It is likely you will not be able to eat the same way you did before you were pregnant, because pregnancy changes a woman's metabolism drastically.

    There are other things that change with pregnancy as well, some women have gallbladder trouble which changes the way you digest fats, some women have thyroid trouble, and if you have a low functioning thyroid, you will find it very difficult to lose weight because your hormones are all out of whack. The thyroid regulates your hormones, and if it is not doing its job, you will likely gain weight, no matter how healthy you are eating. There are easy tests that your doctor can do to check your gall bladder and thyroid, you just have to talk to your doctor about things like that.

  2. I personally don't lose weight while I nurse. I've nursed all 4 kids & after I'm done nursing I quickly lose the weight. I eat super healthy & exercise while I nurse, but it doesn't help me lose weight; but I do feel good about trying my best. My body will never be the same, but I feel like it's worth it to bring these beautiful, sweet spirits to our family.

  3. I wore my pre-pregnancy pants home from the hospital after delivering Lincoln. But, I gained a ton of weight during the pregnancy, almost all of it turning out to be retaining fluid. But, since I have started trying to lose weight, I joined weight watchers, and they have a plan for nursing moms to still be able to lose weight too. Since October, I have lost 39 pounds, including any baby weight I ever had. That's my recommendation

  4. My sister was one of those people that gained only baby weight and then promptly lost it all after the baby was born and is as fit as ever.

    Although we may pine for the original versions of ourselves to reappear, I think the focus should be on maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as possible rather than focusing on and comparing how our bodies look now (after pregnancy) vs. before pregnancy. To do so may only result in a lowered self-esteem and dissatisfaction with our self-images which is never a productive activity.

  5. Well... I love to exercise. So for me it's two things, nursing and exercising. Those have been my biggest weight loss helps during that first year postpartum. But alas... my body is still not the same. Everything points or sags downward. My philosophy is to love your body at all times. Get a good night's rest, wake up, exercise, eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, and then go to bed and do it all again. Don't waste any of that time comparing yourself to others. You'll NEVER be them. You'll never have their legs or their waisteline or their chest. Your body is yours, so love it. And if it's really about the numbers on the scale, 'cause sometimes it just is, then work hard and eat right. It will happen!

  6. Nursing didn't do it for me. While nursing my first 2 kids I had an extra 10 lbs hanging around, and once I was done nursing them I was ready for another baby. So I would lose the weight during the 1st 3 months of pregnancy but quickly gain it back. After baby # 3 I was fed up with not looking the same as I did pre prego. So I worked out 6 days a week for about 1 hr, when my 3rd baby was about 5 months. My goal was to do it for 1 month and if I didn't see any change, than I would just give up. Well I did it for about 6 weeks, and lost about 15 lbs! I am totally happy about my weight now and am excited to be in old pants. Now I just want to tone up my tummy a little. . . someday ;)
