Thursday, August 19, 2010

See You Again

Nearly three weeks ago, my dear friend's 6 year old daughter passed away and returned to live with her Father in Heaven. Katie was, and still is, a sweet spirit; a spirit special in God's eyes. She was sent to earth to obtain her mortal body in such a way that she could not be tempted by this world, and then returned to her Heavenly Father as pure as she came. She touched innumerable lives, and I know that while on this earth she held hands with Him.
Click here to read more about Katie and her family.

I was nine the first time I experienced the death of a loved one, but I was 17 the first time I experienced the death of someone I knew that was my age. Death was confusing to me then and, even now, I struggle to assimilate the emotions I felt during that time of innocence and ignorance into a coherent sentence that would adequately convey the seed it planted for me as a parent to ensure my children would be, could be, prepared to face the death of a loved one, let alone a friend their own age. With Katie, part of me always thought that I would have time to prepare my children for her passing. Though that time was not afforded, looking back I wonder if preparedness would have ever been possible.

How do you talk to your children about death?

Thankfully, my faith is sustained by the knowledge that life is more than just our time on earth. I believe that before I was born, I knew Him and He knew me. In addition, after this life, I know I will be welcomed into my Heavenly Father's presence and will rejoice with Him once again. My husband and I teach these principles to our children and each of them were able to find comfort in knowing our Heavenly Father's great plan of happiness. We chose to honor Katie at her time of passing and celebrate her life instead of mourn her death. We are sad, and some days hurt more than others, but we know that she ran for the first time into the arms of her Savior; that she sings and dances and continues to laugh and smile. And one day we will see her again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a story full of faithful people. Thanks for sharing this with me. It was a good reminder of the blessings I have, when I start feeling like I need more!
