Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mom's Dairy

My youngest is almost a year old. It's amazing how quickly the time as flown by. I'm winding down on the nursing, and I'm really excited to be finished. Don't get me wrong; I really love nursing my children. The bond is incredible. But, when I add up all of the time I've been pregnant or nursing, it's remarkable.

How do you decide when to quit nursing?

I think this is a personal decision and unique to each child. My first probably would have been happy to nurse longer than she had. I nursed her about 13 months; I nursed her until after a family vacation because I was worried about quitting before we traveled. My second quit on her own at about 11 months. She decided that she wanted her binkie more than mommy. My third is fine with whatever. We are down to one feeding a day, and I will quit that around her first birthday.

I think any amount of nursing a mother does is awesome. It is not easy at first, and it is time consuming. My experience is that it gets easier with time and practice. Take cues from your baby; he or she will usually let you know when they are ready to move on. Also, do what's best for you. Take care of mommy first so that you can take care of the others in your family.

1 comment:

  1. I am nursing and feel like a DAIRY most days. For me the time of when to quit will be easy. Babies can't have real milk until 1 year old and I refuse to spend money on formula unless i ABSOLUTELY have to. So I am shooting for a year. That said, my little guy is 7 1/2 months old and I can already tell he is getting bored with the milk factory and likes real food much better :) so hopefully we last a year. But that is my goal.
