Friday, July 16, 2010


Or not. Sara has been sick for the last 4 days with diarrhea. I am sure glad spell check knew how to spell that word, because I didn't. Anyway... I don't know if she caught a little virus or maybe swallowed some bacteria at the pool on Monday. I finally took her to the doc this morning and he didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know, but good thing I took her in... the girl was totally dehydrated after a million poopy diapers. I have been pushing fluids all day and she is definitely on the mend, dehydration wise. But still not over the diarrhea. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a better day. But this whole experience, in addition to others I've had, got me thinking...

When do you take your kid to the doctor?

I know there are lots of web-site resources out there that describe all the major symptoms to watch out for like a raging fever, but what about the normal stuff like throwing up, runny/stuffy nose for days, bad cough, diarrhea...? A friend of mine once said, "If it doesn't go away in 7 days, see the doctor." Which I think is great advice, but I worry too much to wait that long and what if day 7 is Saturday and then you have to wait until Monday to get her in unless you want to pay for the ER or Urgent Care?

Do you guys have a rule of thumb when determining how long you wait to see the doctor?

1 comment:

  1. I go with what my heart tells me; as a mom you have a right to have instincts & you do what they tell you! 99% of the time I'm sure glad I listen to them! As for the diarrhea, I don't know if you know this but yogurt works really well!! I hope Sara starts feeling better soon! It's no fun to have sick kids!! I have a hard time waiting to take my kids in too, but my doctor's office has a website, so I look up the symptoms & the "when to call" & "when to come in" & go from there. I will also call the nurse & tell her what's going on & take her advice into consideration as well.
