Here we are and it's already March, I can't believe it. These first 3 months have sort of been a whirlwind. I was just thinking about what I still want to accomplish or need for 2011 and compiled a list of my very own must have's. What are some of your must-have's for the year?
1) Comfy Shoes. Forget wearing flip flops all summer long. I wore them last summer and since it's hot here 6 months out of the year, by the time cold weather came, my feet were really feeling the effects of uncomfortable shoes all summer.

2) More American Idol, please! I am absolutely loving this season. Seriously, I am blown away at the talent. It's just incredible. There are about 6 guys and 3 girls that I think have the chance to win it all. BEST. SEASON. EVER. (so far) Not to mention JLo is beautiful!

3) My tooth fixed. A few weeks ago, I was playing outside with Sara and had a glass of water with me. I took a drink and knocked my front tooth in the process. I didn't think anything of it until I felt something hard in my mouth. When I pulled it out, I realized it was part of my tooth! I apparently chipped my front tooth when I hit it with the glass. I have a dentist appointment schedule to get it fixed. It's not super noticeable, but it is driving me crazy!

4) Speaking of mouths.... Red Lipstick! I am always so jealous of girls I see wearing red lipstick when it looks amazing on them. I usually wear really natural looking make-up, so red lipstick would be a big step for me. I tried some on at MAC last weekend and Cameron thought it looked ridiculous, but I'm willing to try to get used to it. I couldn't afford the $14.50 MAC kind, but bought some at Wal-Mart for $.99. Now I just need to get up the guts to actually wear it out in public somewhere.

5) A Blue tooth, so I can talk on the phone and people will drive by and think, "Who is that girl talking to?" Actually, Sara and I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw a mom with one. Just then she got a phone call and was able to give her toddler snacks, push the stroller, and point out the animals all while talking on the phone. I was totally inspired. I don't talk on the phone very much, but it would certainly be more convenient and better for my complexion if I didn't have to hold a phone up to my ear.

6) A pedicure. I finally have 2 big toenails!! I know it seems silly to you, but I have suffered through 2 small operations and more shots than I care to remember to get those little guys. They are there and I am ready for them to be pampered.

7) A vacation. Because once I've got my smile fixed, my red lipstick on, and all 10 toenails painted, I need a beach! We've got a little vacation planned later this summer. Woo hoo!!

8) A new dress. Cameron bought me a gift certificate to Shabby Apple for Valentine's Day, so now I just need to decide which one I want. There are so many cute ones, but this is one of my favorites:

9) To get knocked up. Hopefully in the course of the next 9 months I will be pregnant with baby #2. I'm not pregnant right now, nor are we trying. I don't like to say, "Yes, we are trying to get pregnant" because then if we don't, I feel like we failed somehow. So, yes, I would like to get pregnant this year. We'll see if it actually happens.

10) And last, but certainly not least... my Mom and Dad to come home. They are coming home from their mission this summer and I can't wait! I am so excited to see them and spend time with them, but more importantly - I am so excited for them to get to know Sara and the sweet, happy, fun little girl that she is. She already knows her "Nana and Papa in Chile" cause we look at pictures and talk about them. She loves the little notes they send her and I know she is just going to love all the hugs and kisses she'll get when they come home.
(This picture was taken when they were set apart, I was pregnant with Sara)